‘Less is more’ or the praise of sorting at the museum

Through these few rhymes, our approach we hope to explain,
In order to cut short the displaced rumors of often uninformed people.
The situation deserves to be studied lucidly!

The Hospital, in the year of two thousand twenty-three, was greatly disturbed,
For over the years the objects had accumulated
From cellars to attics, everything was cluttered!
Of course the treasures of the sisters of the past must be preserved,
But what to do with all these objects over the years brought by retired doctors
well-meaning or passionate collectors?
Urinals, cupping glasses, examination tables to mismatched chairs,
We had to accept everything and everything that was deposited was kept!
Never ever, never to throw away, not even the outdated leaflets!
Staff was somewhat overwhelmed
Staff were somewhat overwhelmed and frightened by the quantity
But how well to keep everything in these complicated conditions?
The place was short! From then on, we had to SORT!
With the sleeves rolled up,
the staff got on with it!
But be careful, always ask the authorities if it is ok before proceeding.
Serious criteria are defined to know what to keep.
Des objets identiques sont-ils déjà conservés ? Do they really have anything to do with what
the museum is saying?
The donators will be contacted in order to choose, for their less prized objects, a new destiny!

Should they not want these objects back,
After thanking them, a new life can be given to the objects.
To what extent can they be reused, upgraded or put at the service of society?
With respect for the spirit of the place,
Certain objects were trusted to the Ressourcerie.
Where they allow people to work and others to buy cheap furniture
Other objects will find a home in another museum
The mismatched chairs and small cobbled tables will furnish your concert spaces
organised by a well inspired Cultural Center.
And as for the many broken or damaged objects, impossible to restore,
they will be recycled if possible.
Rest assured, dear passionate, no treasure will be evacuated!
The team, well supervised, is working to present you soon a more streamlined museum
in order to rediscover the spirit of simplicity that animated the community of the past.

The team
NB The authorities on which the museum depends demand that sorting be carried out in order to better preserve the heritage,
which at the moment can only be piled up, for lack of suitable spaces. The
The Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles and the ASBL officials oversee the choices made by
qualified members of the museum. These are “non-collections”, and very often
duplicates or objects unrelated to the activity that took place in the Hospital in the past.
The Hospital continues and will continue to accept donations and make acquisitions to
enrich the presented collections, as this is part of a museum’s mission. This is just a matter
of better defining the objects that we still lack in order to present certain themes
in an even more relevant way.

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🇫🇷 Chers visiteurs,

Notre musée fermera ses portes du 20 au 26 décembre 2024, du 31 décembre 2024 au 2 janvier 2025 et du 6 janvier au 12 janvier 2025.
Ces jours de fermeture nous permettront de nous ressourcer et de prévoir minutieusement l’année 2025 !

Nous vous souhaitons d’ores et déjà de belles fêtes de fin d’année et de meilleurs voeux pour l’année 2025 ! 🥳

Merci de votre compréhension,

Les équipes de l’Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose 🌹

🇳🇱 Beste bezoekers,

Ons museum zal gesloten zijn van 20 tot 26 december 2024, van 31 december 2024 tot 2 januari 2025 en van 6 tot 12 januari 2025.
Deze sluitingsdagen stellen ons in staat om nieuwe energie op te doen en het jaar 2025 zorgvuldig voor te bereiden!

Wij wensen u alvast fijne eindejaarsfeesten en onze beste wensen voor 2025! 🥳

Bedankt voor uw begrip,

Het team van het Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose 🌹